This individual, nine month package is for writers who are very serious about getting their manuscripts DONE.
It begins with a substantive manuscript evaluation. You will receive a 5 – 10 page letter detailing the strengths of the manuscript along with areas for further exploration or development. This might include suggestions around narrative arc, character progression, dialogue, theme and pacing, among other issues.
Then, over the course of 9 months, I will be right there beside you as you delve deeply into your edits. You will have the chance to text me daily for accountability, and we’ll have 9 one-on-one calls in which to discuss your process, receive coaching, and rely on my encouragement and support while you do the hard work of editing.
Finally, at the end of the 9 months, you’ll have the chance to resubmit your manuscript to me a second time. I will read your new draft and offer, again, another substantive letter of 5 – 10 pages exploring the progress you’ve made and whatever next steps are appropriate, including how to approach agents and publishers.
This package is a great fit if::
You have been making progress on your manuscript for some time but need support to cross the finish line.
You need help clarifying the themes and narrative arcs in your book.
You have been working alone and are hungry for company and writerly solidarity.
You are eager to edit and open to feedback.
You appreciate emotional support alongside the practical.
You are ready to truly commit to completing your book by the end of the year!
The price for this exclusive package is $9,980. Payment plans are available. I currently have one spot open; please apply with a brief paragraph describing your manuscript and writing practice.